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Monday 9 January 2012

Evaluation 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our Target Audience was between 16 and 24 male and female. They would be in the D-C category. They would probably be from middle or upper class. Our film didn't actually have an exact race which it was aimed at, we went for a wider audience and aimed it at anyone between the age of 16 and 24. They would watch our film because teenagers like horrors that are both thrilling and shocking. We decided to aim our film at young adults because they would probably have similar interests to us. Therefore our ideas would be current and appeal to the audience. We specifically used a young female protagonist to engage young males. Males would more interested if the main character was feminine because they are more attractive for the male eye.

The background music we used creates tension. We used this deliberately to put the audience on the edge of there seats. This would appeal more to females because they are usually more anxious then males. We used fast pace editing to add to this effect. Also to create a sense of madness. Finally we thought that teenagers would be the ideal target audience because they could relate to the images.

Our Questionairre Feedback for the Finished Film

1. Is the font we used appropriate?

2. Is the editing sufficient?

3. Does the music fit the images?

4. Does the narrative make sense?

5. Do the characters fit the genre of horror?

6. Is the footage long enough?

7. Did we use a range of shot types?

8. What worked well?

9. What could we improve?

10. Would you watch the rest of the film?

We used simple questions which were yes and no, and we also used open questions to see what the audience enjoyed and what could be improved. This was worthwhile because from that information we could change things to suit our target audience.

Our Responses:
   We had similar responses from the audience. Most people enjoyed the title sequence and said that the transitions were very effective. People thought that the opening was quite unclear. We couldnt avoid this, however we did give as many clues as possible in the title sequence. We thought that most people could understand what was going on. As we only had 2 minutes of footage it would be really hard to make sense of everything. Therefore we did the best we could.
   Also they commented on how there needed to be quiet music throughout the opening. We actually had music in place but it wasnt loud enough. Therefore we could tweak that to satisfy our Demographic. Finally people thought that the fade wasnt long enough between title sequence and opening sequence. Although this may only be a small thing if we could change it could make the film look much sharper.

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