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Thursday 19 January 2012

Evaluation Task 2, How does your media product represent particular social groups?

There both young and look vulnerable. This is stereotypical of the horror genre because a young vulnerable teenage girl in danger causes anxiety for the audience. Therefore the extract can make mixed emotions for the audience.

They both have problems and try to deal with them in different ways. Ella our main character is homeless, and the other character is being stalked. They are both therefore in a vulnerable condition compared to a normal teenage girls. The films try to address problems which teenagers dont normally face in real life. Therefore this terrorises a stereotypical teenage girl to cause friction for the audience.

Both characters show similar emotions throughout the films. They are both the main characters and therefore the emphasis is on them. This is done so that the audience shows sympathy for the main character. This helps to create more horror because the audience can be thrilled when the characters they show sympathy for are in danger.

Both characters where similar clothing. This shows that both characters care about what they look like. This is deliberate because it is addressing the same stereotype of a young teenage girl. As a result the films seem more realistic.

Both characters also react in similar ways. When they are about to be harmed they scream and become anxious. Ella panics and quickly gets away, however the other girl in 'a stranger calls' screams but doesnt have enough time to escape. This meets the stereotype because girls usually scream when they feel out of there comfort zone. This device helps to create realism in the extract.


Our main character 'Ella' shows more emotions in the film then the girl from a stranger calls. Ella shows different emotions such as, boredom, sadness, anxiety and also thinking. However the girl from a stranger calls only shows panic. This represents females as showing a lot of emotions.

Due to us not having a budget the girl from a stanger calls is a well known established actor. In our circumstances we had a limited amount of people to choose from. However the actor we went with still represented the stereotype that we were aiming for a young vulnerable teenage.

Also the girl from a stranger calls appears to be more vibrant and radient. The high quality of lighting allows to show her in a different way in which we could. Also the girl from a stranger calls is more attractive. This would attract more of an audience.

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